Open Gracie Portugal

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Realizacao is a book about Jiu-Jitsu, written by ALBJJ. It covers the rules and regulations of competing in the sport, as well as providing information on how to become an arbitrator. The book also includes categories for different belt levels and weight classes.

The details..

Realizacao is a book written by ALBJJ (Associacio Luso-Brasileira de Jiv-jitsu). This book provides detailed information about Jiu-Jitsu competitions, including rules and regulations for competitors at all belt levels. It also offers helpful advice on becoming an arbitrator.

The competition categories covered include faixa branca (white belt), faixa azul (blue belt), faixa roxa/marron (purple/brown belts) and absoluto sem kimono up to 85 kgs or over 85kgs. If there are more than 10 participants in the black belt category then there will be an absolute division for this level too.

All athletes wishing to compete must be registered with the Associacion Luso Brasiliera de Jiv jistu before they can enter any competitions outlined in Realizacaio. There is also a mandatory clinic held prior to each event where potential referees can clarify any doubts they may have regarding refereeing procedures.

In order to take part in these events, athletes must register before 8th November 2002 and pay 12.50 entry fee per person . All competitors must weigh between 9am - 9:30am on 24th November 2002 when attending Sport Alges e Dafundo venue .

Resource Info

Page count: 3
Size: 246kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Defensive Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Finances Available